How to shutdown/reboot remote Windows PC in a domain

First of all you have to be logged-in as Domain Administrator in whatever domain PC, then:

  • Create “shutdownPC.bat” file
  • Right click on it -> Modify
  • Write:
    shutdown -s -m \\PC_Name -t shutdown_Timeout_in_seconds
  • Save and close it.
  • Execute it.

Now, if you want to reboot a domain pc, you simply:

  • Create “rebootPC.bat” file
  • Right click on it -> Modify
  • Write:
    shutdown -r -m \\PC_Name -t shutdown_Timeout_in_seconds
  • Save and close it.
  • Execute it.

If you need to shutdown/reboot more than one machine, you can insert in the same file other lines changing “PC_Name”.

If you want to see other shutdown command parameters, you can open Dos Prompt , digit “shutdown” (without “”) and press Enter.